Easter Sunday, March 27th, 2016
A very happy and blessed Easter to each one of you! It is interesting to contrast and compare the various events in the Gospels. For example, if we look at St. John's Gospel, he only has Mary Magadalene going to the tomb by herself after Our Lord had been laid to rest following His death on the Cross. In St. Mark's Gospel account, though, we hear "WHEN the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the Mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint Him." When I read this particular verse from St. Mark, I can't help but think of when people say something to the effect of "Don't bring me flowers when I'm dead, bring them to me while I'm alive." Have you ever heard something along these lines or perhaps maybe you have made a similar statement yourself? In all fairness, this is a valid point when you think about it. If you had your choice, would you prefer for someone to show their love to you while you are alive or after you are dead? I think it is safe to say we would all prefer to be shown the love now while we are still "here," so to speak. In that same respect, we also should be paying attention to Our Blessed Saviour here and now, right now, while we still have the opportunity. So often we only go to God when we need something from Him. We only go to God when we need His assistance. We only go to God when we are in trouble. But other than that, we don't have time for God. We need to make time for God on a daily basis. We need to find time to pray on a daily basis. We need to tell God on a daily basis that we love Him. And, quite frankly, we need to act like Christians on a daily basis . . . . and not just when we are in church! We should never miss an opportunity to show love to those whom we love while they are still with us. I know in my own life I wish that I could say to my own mother, or my grandparents, for example, how much I love them and just enjoy being in their presence one last time. But we can do this with God. Spend time with God. Go to Him on a daily basis. Bring your cares to Him. Bring your worries to Him. Bring your joys to Him. Just spend time in His presence.
On Sunday, March 27th, 2016, St. Margaret and Holy Spirit Churches will celebrate Easter. There will be one combined Mass on Easter Sunday. Mass will be celebrated at Marquette Manor, located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis. Please note that we celebrate Mass as we do each Easter up on the Fourth Floor in the "Upper Room." Mass begins at 9:30 AM. Come spend some quality time with God on Easter Sunday. Thank Jesus for the wonderful gifts He has given you: namely, forgiveness of your sins and also the gift of eternal life He freely offers to each one of us.