Septuagesima, January 28th, 2018
Today the Church begins celebrating the "Gesima" Sundays. These are the three Sundays leading up to the holy season of Lent. On this first "gesima" Sunday, referred to as "Septuagesima," we hear a passage from St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians. In this passage St Paul describes those who run in a race to win the First Place prize. "KNOW ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize?" (I Corinthians 9:24ff) St. Paul describes those who put in time and effort to win a crown which he says will fall apart. He urges the Corinthians to work towards obtaining an incorruptible crown. All of us work towards something. All of us work towards getting something. It just depends on what the "prize" is. When we are younger, some young people work towards earning a degree. While others work towards buying a car, for instance. Some young people work, yes, but all their money goes towards purchasing video games and buying pizza. As we get older, typically our values change. Those who are older may save up for a home . . . paying for college for their children . . . . save up for their retirement. The bottom line is whether we are saving up for a video game or saving up for our retirement, all of are working towards something. St. Paul acknowledges that but he emphasizes that we should put our energy into working towards obtaining an "incorruptible" prize. St Paul uses the example of the "crown" for the winning athlete. And he points out that athletes train very had to win this crown which will eventually just crumble away. And he's correct. Most of us do work hard to get what we want. But the bottom line is that whatever we work hard to purchase: a car; clothing; a computer; a home; etc, etc, etc. Eventually all of these things will either fall apart . . . or go out of fashion . . . or wear out . . . or rust away . . . or break. But St. Paul urges us to put our effort into winning an "incorruptible" prize, a prize that will never wear out or rust away or break. Of course, this prize is our salvation offered freely by God. How many of us put hours and hours and hours into working towards getting what we want but we don't think anything about God. God offers this gift of salvation freely to each and every one of us. And yet we have to make a choice to accept this gift. We need to put energy into becoming the men and women that God desires us to be. We need to place time and effort into becoming good Christians and good representatives of Christ here on earth. God deserves our best efforts and not our second-best. As humans, we put our best efforts into things that we desire. As Christians, we should put our best efforts into pleasing God and growing closer to God.
St. Margaret Church meets each and every Sunday at 9:30 AM at the beautiful chapel at Marquette Manor, located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis. Join us as we hear the Word of God found in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer and the King James Bible. Come dedicate one hour of your week to God. Step away from the busy-ness of the world for just one hour and focus totally on God. Come and worship Him. Let Him feed you spiritually. Receive the Precious Body and Blood at Communion time.