Solemnity of Christ the King, October 27th, 2019
Who is your king? Whom do you serve? We all serve someone or some thing, lets face it. In other words, some person or some thing rules our life to one degree or another. Those of us who work serve bosses . . . . we serve supervisors . . . we serve managers. Even if we own our own business, . . . business-owners serve customers. It might not even be a person whom we serve. What is most important in a person's life? Is it food? Drink? Drugs? Could it even be possessions such as name-brand shoes or clothing? Is it an addiction which is the ruler of our life? How about something electronic such as a video game or even our cell phone? There are all kinds of things which we serve. All kinds of things which have taken over our lives. In that regard they rule our lives . . . they rule our passions . . . . they take up our time and we pay the most attention to them. Who rules us?
Pilate asked Our Blessed Lord some two-thousand years ago: "Art thou the King of the Jews?" (St John 18:33) To which Our Lord asked the question: " Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me? " In other words, Our Lord asked Pilate if he himself wanted to know or if the Jewish rulers told him this. Pilate lashed out angrily at Our Lord by saying that the chief priests and the people have brought Him to Pilate. Thus, Pilate was saying that by their actions they showed that Christ was not their king. So we come full circle back to each one of us. Who is our king? Who rules our life? If we would find ourselves in the great Judgement Hall facing Pilate and he asked us a very simple question: "Is Christ your king?" How would we respond? What would we say? It's a very simple question, actually. All it would require would be a simple "yes" or "no." But if we say yes, would our actions demonstrate that Christ is our king? How about the way in which we live our life? Would it testify to this fact? Is there any proof that Christ is the King of our heart to back up what we say? Christ indeed is the Ruler and King. But each of us must make Him the Ruler and King. He never forces Himself into your life. He leaves it up to you. You must make Him the King of your life.
St. Margaret Church meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. We worship at the beautiful chapel at Marquette Manor, located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis. Please join us.