Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, August 29th, 2021
Have you ever had the experience to look for something and you look and look and look and you can not find the object anywhere? And then you go and look some more and you still can not find it. And then at some point you find the item and it was exactly where you were looking the whole time. You looked right at it but did not see it. I am sure that each of us have had that experience at one point or another. In the Tenth Chapter of St. Luke's Gospel, we hear Our Blessed Saviour giving instructions to the disciples: " BLESSED are the eyes which see the things that ye see. . . ." (St. Luke 10:23). Our Lord is reminding the disciples that they are indeed blessed to see the things that they are seeing. In other words, Our Lord was making the point further on that " . . . many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not see them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them." (St. Luke 10:24). While this is certainly the truth . . . . i.e., that the disciples and the Apostles had the distinct honour of being in the presence of the Messiah . . . . the point remains the same that the disciples still had to make the effort to look for and make the point to see the Messiah. In other words, they could have moved on with their lives and never even made the point to notice the miracles that Our Lord performed . . . or they could have certainly not have cared enough to stop and to listen to the words that Our Lord was speaking. The point that I am making is that while they were certainly blessed to see what they saw and hear what they heard, they still had to make the effort to stop long enough to see with their own eyes and to hear what was being said to them by the Messiah.
How many times has the Lord made the point to show Himself to us but, unfortunately, we were too busy to notice? How many times throughout our life did God try to speak to us and we never heard what He had to say because we were too busy listening to everybody and everything else? Sometimes the miracles are right in front of our eyes but we never take notice because we are too busy to look. Sometimes the answer is being given to us but we never hear it because we are focused on other things. Just like Our Lord showed Himself to the disciples and the Apostles, He also shows Himself to us. Now, it may be true that we may have to pay closer attention and alter our way of looking for Him, make no doubt about it: God is still making a point to show Himself to us . . . He is still making a point to speak to us. We just need to pay attention and know where to look. " . . . Blessed are the eyes that see the things that YOU see . . . .."
St. Margaret of Scotland Anglican Church worships every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM at the Chapel at Marquette Manor, which is located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis.
NOTE: Keep in mind that we must enter in the main entrance of the lobby and sign in before we go to the chapel.
Please Join us as we gather together as God's family to: hear the Word of God; listen as God speaks to each one of us in our hearts; worship God in song and in word; listen to the King James Bible and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer; and, finally, receive Our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion so that we can be nourished for the journey we call life. Take one hour out of your busy schedule to worship God, to honour God, to acknowledge the need for God in your life.