Saturday, December 31, 2022

Circumcision of Christ, January 1st, 2023

 The Circumcision of Christ, January 1st, 2023

"that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth" (Philippians 2:10)  

I pray for God's blessings to be upon you and your loved ones in the Year of Our Lord 2023.  I pray that more people will dedicate their lives to Christ in this coming new year.  I pray that people will make an effort to attend the church of their choice in the year 2023. In a world where so much hatred and division is sown on a daily basis, I pray that people will make the conscious effort to reach out in love to their brothers and sisters in the coming new year.  I pray that each and every person reading this will make Jesus Christ the ruler of their life.  I pray that each one of us who call ourselves by the name of Christian will make Christ the top priority in our life.  I wish that each and every one of us who have been blessed so abundantly by Our Heavenly Father will take the opportunity to thank Him and worship Him on a daily basis in 2023.  And I wish that the Peace that only Christ can give will be felt throughout all the world in this coming new year.  May the Good Lord continue to bless you throughout this coming year and may you continue to stay close to His Most Sacred Heart.  Amen.

NOTE:  Please make note that on January 1st, 2023 Mass will begin at 11:00 am      

St. Margaret Church worships at the Chapel at Marquette Manor, which is located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Day, December 25th, 2022

 Christmas Day, December 25th, 2022

" And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us" (St. John 1:14)  The beginning verses of the Gospel of St. John are typically read as the "Final Gospel" at each Mass throughout the year.  As such, we hear the words of this First Chapter read to us so often that we run the risk of not fully appreciating the importance of the words.  In a similar vein, the world at large does not fully appreciate the Gift that Our Heavenly Father gave to the world:  the Gift of the Christ Child.  " And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us"  God does not sit on some distant throne, far off and far removed from His people.  No, God reaches out to us and sends His only begotten Son into the world.  He sends His Son into the world to be with us, spend time with us, show us a glimpse of the Eternal.  God loves His people so much that He sent His Son to save us from our sins.  And yet this day turns out to be like so many days throughout the year.  This day brings so many distractions that divert our attention from the greatest gift we could ever dream of possessing.  The Gift of God's Son given to the world by a loving Father.  So, this day while you are opening your Christmas presents, don't forget to open your heart and welcome God's Son so that He can come to dwell with you.

NOTE:  Please make note that Christmas Day Mass will begin at 11:00 am  Additionally, Mass on New Years Day will also begin at 11:00 am.    

St. Margaret Church worships at the Chapel at Marquette Manor, which is located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis.

NOTE:  Keep in mind that we must enter in the main entrance of the lobby and sign in before we go to the chapel.  

Please Join us as we gather together as God's family to:  hear the Word of God; listen as God speaks to each one of us in our hearts; worship God in song and in word; listen to the King James Bible and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer; and, finally, receive Our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion so that we can be nourished for the journey we call life.  Take one hour out of your busy schedule to worship God, to honour God, to acknowledge the need for God in your life.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Fourth Sunday in Advent, December 18th, 2022

 Fourth Sunday in Advent, December 18th, 2022

In the very first chapter of St. John's Gospel, we hear how the "Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem" to speak to St. John the Baptist.  The purpose of that visit was to question him and to help determine exactly who he was.  And they asked him directly who he was.  They asked him if he was Christ.  They asked him if he was Elijah.  Finally, they asked him to say something of himself in order to see what he had to say:  "What sayest thou of thyself" (St. John 1:22)  They wanted to hear what St. John had to say about himself.  To this, he replied:  " I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord" (St. John 1:23)   This is what St. John had to say of himself.  But what do we say of ourselves?  Who do we say that we are?  If someone would ask us the same question, what would we say?  How would we answer?  What would our response be?  "What sayest thou of thyself?"  What do you say of yourself?  There are many things we could say of ourselves.  What would you say?  What would you say about yourself?  Would you say where you work?  where you live?  Would you say what your hobbies are?  what you like to do?  Would you say where you are from?  the city where you grew up or where you live?  What would you say about yourself?  St. John the Baptist says it directly.  When asked to say something of himself, he states that he is here to "make straight the way of the Lord."  Are we interested in doing God's business or simply our business?  Are we all about God or are we all about us?  Is it God Who comes first or do we make sure to take care of ourselves first?  Is God our first priority or is our first priority satisfying our wants and desires?  For the Christian, we need to make God our top priority.  Like St. John the Baptist, we need to be a messenger for the Lord.  We need to let others know about God.  And we can do that through both our words and actions.  Tell the world about God.  

  St. Margaret Church worships every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM at the Chapel at Marquette Manor, which is located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis.

NOTE:  Keep in mind that we must enter in the main entrance of the lobby and sign in before we go to the chapel.  

Please Join us as we gather together as God's family to:  hear the Word of God; listen as God speaks to each one of us in our hearts; worship God in song and in word; listen to the King James Bible and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer; and, finally, receive Our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion so that we can be nourished for the journey we call life.  Take one hour out of your busy schedule to worship God, to honour God, to acknowledge the need for God in your life.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Third Sunday in Advent, December 11th, 2022

 Third Sunday in Advent (Gaudete Sunday), December 11th, 2022

Have you ever been overjoyed by something and before you knew it, the joy had worn off?  Or the joy that you had experienced had certainly lessened.  As children, we are overjoyed at what Santa Claus will bring us.  We anxiously look forward to all the presents under the tree and try to figure out what is wrapped inside.  Or it could be the case as you had gotten older and you decided that you just had to have the latest electronic doo-dad or perhaps it is some clothing item such as a new dress or a fancy pair of boots.  And so you save your money and finally go and make your purchase and you are overjoyed at what you have purchased.  But then after a while your joy lessens because your attention is turned toward the next "item" that you have set your sights on acquiring.  Let's be honest, whether as children or adults,  . . .  whether it is a gift given to us or something we have purchased ourselves  .. . .  whether it is an actual physical product or whether it is simply a good meal that we look forward to devouring . . . . the point is the same:  things of this world do indeed bring us joy for a time but then the joy eventually fades.  Even if you look at it from the perspective of someone who turns to drink or drugs to find their "happiness,"  . . . . what happens when the effect of either drink or drug wears off?  That person goes back to feeling like they did before.  The "high" feeling . . .  the "drunk" feeling only lasts so long.  Things of the world . . .  whether they be electronics .  . . or food . . . . or clothing . . .  or positions of honour . . . . or titles at our jobs . . . or booze  . . . . or drugs . .  . all these things only bring temporary fulfillment.  They do satisfy, yes, but only for a time.  The joy we find in them  is only temporary, never lasting.

For the Christian, on the other hand, the joy that is everlasting is our relationship with God.  "Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous, for it becometh well the just to be thankful." (Psalm 33)  Our personal relationship with Our Blessed Saviour will never disappoint.  Our personal relationship with Our Lord and Saviour is one that will last an eternity.  While other things in this earthly life will fade away . . .  or be consumed . . . or rust away . ..  or go out of fashion . . . . the relationship that God offers to us is forever.  God will always be faithful to His people.  "Gaudete in Domino semper" ("Rejoice in the Lord always")  (Philippians 4:4-5)  Rejoice in the fact that God loves you!  Rejoice in the fact that God sent His only Son to die for you!  Rejoice in the fact that God offers you the possibility of eternal life!  Give your heart to the One that offered His Heart to you!  Give your life to Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and rejoice in the Lord always!

St. Margaret Church worships every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM at the Chapel at Marquette Manor, which is located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis.

NOTE:  Keep in mind that we must enter in the main entrance of the lobby and sign in before we go to the chapel.  

Please Join us as we gather together as God's family to:  hear the Word of God; listen as God speaks to each one of us in our hearts; worship God in song and in word; listen to the King James Bible and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer; and, finally, receive Our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion so that we can be nourished for the journey we call life.  Take one hour out of your busy schedule to worship God, to honour God, to acknowledge the need for God in your life.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Second Sunday in Advent, December 4th, 2022

 Second Sunday in Advent, December 4th, 2022

   " Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost."  (Romans 15)  If we were forced to describe the liturgical season of Advent with only one word, I am sure that we could agree on the word:  Hope.  It truly is the season of hope for fallen mankind that we anticipate when the Saviour of the world would be born.  And yet hope can be very "subjective."  Those faithful Jews living at the time of Our Lord were also waiting and hoping to see the Messiah but they were expecting the Messiah to come with a great army and come and destroy their enemies.  But we know that the Saviour of the world did arrive some two-thousand years ago in Bethlehem.  He arrived in a much different fashion than was what expected, though.  He did not ride in on a great horse with a grand army in support, with flags waving and sounds of trumpets.  No, Our Saviour arrived as an innocent little baby, born to a common family, born in a lowly manger on a cold winter night  because nobody would take them in otherwise.  If you did not know any better, I am sure that we would not picture the Saviour of the world as a small baby, born to an impoverished family, with nowhere else to stay other than in a place for animals.  But, then again, if we look at a dying man hanging on a cross, if we didn't know any better, we wouldn't picture that as "victory," either.  It would seem more like "defeat" than "victory."  And yet we know through faith that hope was born in that little manger at Bethlehem and we know that victory truly was earned on that Cross at Calvary.  Sometimes, hope is deceiving to our physical eyes.  We have to look at hope through the eyes of faith if we really want to see how God is working in our lives.  So, use this holy Season of Advent to look at things in a brand new way, the way of faith.

St. Margaret Church worships every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM at the Chapel at Marquette Manor, which is located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis.

NOTE:  Keep in mind that we must enter in the main entrance of the lobby and sign in before we go to the chapel.  

Please Join us as we gather together as God's family to:  hear the Word of God; listen as God speaks to each one of us in our hearts; worship God in song and in word; listen to the King James Bible and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer; and, finally, receive Our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion so that we can be nourished for the journey we call life.  Take one hour out of your busy schedule to worship God, to honour God, to acknowledge the need for God in your life.