Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bishop Williams visits St Margaret Parish

Visit of Bishop and Mrs. Daren Williams

On Sunday, August 4th, 2013 Bishop and Mrs. Williams visited St Margaret Parish.  Typically, it would be Bishop Stephen Strawn and Mrs. Strawn who would visit us but it turned out that Bishop Strawn was unable to make to trip and as a result Bishop Williams was able to step in.  This proved to be fortunate for St. Margaret because while we certainly all look forward to the visit from Bishop Strawn every year, it provided us the opportunity to meet Bishop Williams, who had never visited us before.  Bishop Williams is the retired Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the West but for the past year and a half has resided in Wisconsin, which is part of the Diocese of the Missouri Valley, of which St. Margaret is a member of.    Bishop Williams celebrated Mass and preached.  After Mass, Bishop Williams met with the parishoners at the coffee hour and spoke about the church in general and various happenings within the ACA.   Here are some pictures of the visit:

Above:  A very nice picture of Mrs. Margaret Simpson, who is in charge of the St. Margaret Altar Guild, meeting with Mrs. Joy Williams.

Bishop Williams meeting with some of the members of St. Margaret Parish at the Coffee Hour after Mass.

Above:  A picture of Mrs Joy Williams, along with Bishop Daren Williams, and Fr. Todd Bragg

Above:  Bishop Daren and Mrs. Joy Williams

It was such a pleasure for us to meet both of the Williams this weekend.  And we are certainly grateful for their effort in driving such a long distance to be with us this weekend.

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