Saturday, September 27, 2014

Taking Time To Spend With God . . . .

Taking the Time to Spend With God

Reflections on Bishop James Mote.  When I think back to the years that I knew Bishop Mote, one of the lasting memories that I have was not one particular event or one specific conversation.  Rather, one of the lasting images that I have of Bishop Mote in my memory is simply seeing him in the second pew on the right hand side of the church as I would enter St. Edward the Confessor Cathedral in Indianapolis.  Bishop Mote would always sit in the same pew when he would come to church.  And I remember that he would have his Bible, and his prayer book, and he would also have a binder where he had listed all of the prayer intentions that he would pray for.  In other words, if you asked Bishop Mote to pray for you or if you had an intention that you wanted him to pray for, he would add you and your prayer intention to his binder and he would pray for you.  But like I say, the thing that I remember about Bishop Mote is that no matter how early I would get there to church, there was Bishop Mote always there in "his" pew, praying and spending time in front of the Blessed Sacrament:  praying the Rosary, for example, or reading Scripture, or just spending time with Our Lord in quiet meditation.   There is so much that each one of us can learn from this.   We all get so wrapped up in the "busy-ness" of life:  going to work; running errands; cleaning the house; getting supper prepared; going to the store; working on projects; etc.  And all of these things are important, I'm not saying that they aren't.  But there is something to be said for simply stopping what you are doing and taking time out of your busy day and just simply dedicate THAT time to God.  Take time out to read Scripture . . .  or pray the Rosary .. . .. or simply meditate.  Whatever you choose to do, the important point is to dedicate this time to God for His glory.

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