Do you ever have a problem remembering something? I know I do. It's strange that I can remember something from forty years ago and yet I can't remember what I went into the kitchen to get just now. Some things stick in our mind and other things not so well. It seems like some things that I would like to remember, I have trouble remembering. Other things that I would actually like to forget, I hang on to those things. If you have problems remembering, you are not alone. It seems like the disciples had problems remembering as well.
In the sixth chapter of the Gospel of St. Mark, we begin this chapter by listening to St. Mark recount how Our Blessed Saviour fed the four thousand. Now, remember that back in the end of Chapter Six of this very same Gospel, we hear about the feeding of the Five thousand. In my humble opinion, the most wonderful thing about this incredible miracle is actually not the miracle itself . . . although feeding four thousand people with a few fish and a few pieces of bread is simply amazing. No, what I always like to point out is what leads to this miracle. After seeing the vast crowd gathered around Him, Our Lord says: "I have compassion on the multitude." In order to have compassion, you first have to take notice of someone's need. In other words, we have a God Who is not distant. We have a God Who is not far away. We have a God Who takes the time to notice how we feel. We have a God Who actually cares about His people. Our Blessed Saviour was concerned that those who traveled from a distance would be in need of food.
I know that all of us can think of someone in our life who cares for us . . . whether it is a relative, or a neighbor, or a close friend, or a coworker. We all have someone in our life that takes the time to notice when we are down. Or that one person in our life who does simple things to show how much they care. Perhaps they call you for no other reason just to see how you are doing. Or they are the person you can always depend on in time of need . . . . when everybody else has given every excuse under the sun for not being there for you. For those people that are always there for you, don't you feel like you would also like to be there for them as well? That's how it should be for God. God is always there for us. Even when everyone else turns their back on us, God is always there waiting for our return to Him. God is always faithful to us . . . . despite the fact that we are not always so faithful to Him all the time. We should always remember the wonderful things that God has done for us. In this, though, sometimes we are forgetful. We forget everything that God has done for us because we get so fixated on the things of the world that grab our attention.
Make a point to improve your memory, at least, in regards to the wonderful things that God has done for you in your life. Never forget the faithfulness of God. Yes, God is faithful to you when it is us that should be faithful to Him. Never forget that.
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