Saturday, August 19, 2017

Tenth Sunday after Trinity, August 20, 2017

Tenth Sunday after Trinity, August 20, 2017

"And when He was come near, He beheld the city, and wept over it . . . ." (St. Luke 19:41)

When I was younger . . . . quite a bit younger . . . . . there was a song that was released by Linda Ronstadt and I just heard it played again recently on the radio.  The song was entitled "You're No Good" and the lyrics were profound, to say the least:  "You're no good, You're no good, You're no good, Baby, you're no good . . . .  "  As I was listening to this particular song . . . .which I had not heard in quite a while . . . .  I thought this song could become the "Theme Song" for the current age in which we live.  I mean, let's face it, everywhere you turn on social media and when you see the news, everybody is expecting everyone else to come out and condemn certain groups.  The problem is that in condemning only certain groups, you are not allowed to point out the flaws and errors of other groups.

All of us have things that really set us off, . . . that push our buttons, so to speak.  As human beings, we love certain things . .  .  on the other hand, we hate certain things.  There are things that drive us crazy and things that we feel strongly about.   I am no different on that front.  Certain things, certain people "push my buttons" as well just like certain things or certain people "push your buttons."  Supremacists of any variety drive me crazy, for example, since we're talking about it now.  If you think you are "supreme" to me because of my skin color or my gender or due to the religion I practice, for example, you better think again.  God loves all of us equally.  God created each one of us.  Another thing that drives me crazy are Hypocritical politicians who tell you they are voting for the interests of the people  that voted them into office, when they are really voting with the special-interest or their political party in mind.  These same politicians love to pin you down with laws that you have to live by but they don't.  Hypocrites like that really stick in my craw.  The "Main-Stream Media," who in my humble opinion lost all credibility long, long ago.  They don't report the news any longer . . . they invent the news.  The report the news and spin the news the way that they want you to hear it.  Likewise, Fringe groups of any variety who don't live in the "real world," meaning they don't know what it's like to pay bills and own a home, they don't know what it's like to go to work every day and do the simple ordinary things in life.  These people live in their own little world.  They live in a dream world and they will use any means necessary to threaten you and intimidate you and force you to accept their way of thinking.

Again, I could go on and on, I am quite sure.  All of us can come up with our own list of things, groups, or people that drive us crazy.  But instead of focusing on things that drive us crazy or focus on differences that we have, as Christians, we should focus on the fact that God loves each and every one of us.  God sent His Son into the world not to condemn us but rather to save us.  Our Blessed Lord spent His some thirty-three years on earth, preaching , , ,  and teaching . . . . and telling the world of His Heavenly Father.  And He also showed the world about His Heavenly Father.  He showed the world not only by what He said  . . . . but how He treated folks . . . . and forgiving folks.   We are called to imitate Him as best we can.  I know I qualify it by saying " . . . as best we can . . . " but that is because Our Lord is perfect  . . . and we ain't, to put it bluntly.  But that doesn't mean we are supposed to stop trying.  Sure, we're going to fail every now and then.  Sure, we're going to miss the mark every now and then.  But as long as we keep in mind that we are not perfect, we will remember that other folks aren't perfect either.  If that's the case, maybe I can cut you some slack . . . and maybe you'll cut me some slack . . . .when it comes to wrong-doing.  Maybe we can both focus more on "forgiveness" and focus less on our "differences."  Maybe, perhaps, if I could follow my own advice, I could be more forgiving of  . . .  people who think they're better than me . . .  journalists  . . . . crooked politicians  .. . . .  and fringe groups.  Whether I want to think about it or not, God loves those people just the same as He loves me.  But we get so caught up in our differences, that we don't have time to realize this simple fact.   God should be at the center of our life.  Our love of God should be the priority of our life.  And, yet, so much of our life centers on everything else OTHER THAN God:  riches . . . . power . . .  hatred of people different than me . . . . lust . . . . drugs . . . selfishness . . .  the list goes on and on and on.  I can't control the whole, wide world but I can at least try to control "Me!"  And as long as I do this and as long as I remember that God loves me,  . . . as imperfect as I am . . . . He will certainly love you .  . . . as imperfect as you are.

St. Margaret Church meets each and every Sunday at 9:30 AM.  We worship God in the beautiful chapel at Marquette Manor, located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis.  Please feel free to join us as we gather together to worship Our Heavenly Father and listen to His Word.

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