Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, February 3rd, 2019
When we ask someone to do some favor for us, don't we usually phrase it something like: "Will you do this favor for me?" "Will you get me something at the store?" "Will you go with me to the doctor's office?" "Will you . . . . " And if we are able to do what is being asked, our response more than likely would be: "Yes, I will." "Yes, I will do that for you." "Yes, I will get that for you." In other words, when we ask someone to do something for us, we are asking that person if they are willing to do this for us. We are really asking, "Are you willing to get me something at the store?" But we shorten it to "Will you get me something at the store?" But again, the point is still the same, "Are you willing to do this favor for me?"
Beginning in the Eighth Chapter of the Gospel of St. Matthew, Our Lord has an encounter with a Leper. St. Matthew tells us in this chapter that Our Saviour had come down from the mountain and the great multitudes had followed Him. It is at this point that St. Matthew tells us that the Leper said to Our Blessed Lord: "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean" (St. Matthew 8:2) In other words, the Leper is asking Our Lord: "Lord, If You are willing . . . . " St. Matthew tells us what happened next: ""And Jesus put forth His hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean." (St. Matthew 8:3) Two things which I would like to point out in regards to Our Lord's response to the Leper. St. Matthew tells us that first before He even responded to the request by speaking, He held out His hand first and afterward He stated "I will . . . " Perhaps I am making too fine of a point here but it seems to me that Our Lord responded first with action and next with words. In other words, Our Lord responded with His actions and also responded with His words as to what He was willing to do.
I am sure that each and every one of us can think of someone whose words do not equate with their actions. Unfortunately, this would include us sometimes as well. Someone who says one thing but does another. Or someone who says they will help us but then does not follow through. We say who we are, quite frankly, more by our actions than by our words. We can talk all we want and say we are going to do this and we are going to do that, but if we never get out there and just do it . . . .. what do our words mean? They are empty. Our Lord responded first and foremost to the request of the Leper through action. And then He responded: "I will . . . " When it comes to God, our actions need to match up with our words. How many of us act one way when we are in church on Sunday but then go out and act the exact opposite the other six days of the week? How many of us state that we are Christian but we do not act very Christian? How many times do we promise God that we will do something and then do not actually do it? "Actions speak louder than words." I am sure everyone has heard that phrase. But it is so true. Actions really do speak louder than words. If you want to know if I am a Christian, you don't need to listen to me saying it; watch how I behave. Our Lord stated in regards to the command to "love one another as He has loved us:" "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another." (St. John 13:35) We will show who we are by our actions more than our words. We will show the world that we are followers of Christ by how we love one another and show that love . . . . not just say it.
St. Margaret Church meets each and every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. We worship at the beautiful Chapel at Marquette Manor, located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis. We use the King James Bible and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Come join us as we listen to God speak to us through His Word. At Communion time, we receive the Precious Body and Blood of Christ to nourish us and give us strength for our journey called life.
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