Saturday, June 13, 2020

Feast of Corpus Christi (Transferred), June 14th, 2020

Feast of Corpus Christi (Transferred), Sunday, June 14th, 2020

If you could choose only one meal, what would that meal consist of?  Like in those old Jimmy Cagney movies where the prisoner gets to choose one last meal.  To me, it is an interesting question to ponder because, let's face it:  I love food.  If I could choose one meal, which one would I choose?  It is a hard decision for me because I would choose so many.  Fried Chicken would probably shoot to the top of the list.  But then again, how about a nice dinner of corned beef and cabbage?  Or how about a dinner consisting of German food?  We all have our own favorites: whether it be Chinese food or Southern cooking or a big fat steak . . . . . . .  the list goes on and on.  The reason I bring up this topic of food and dinners and meals is because in the Sixth Chapter of St. John's Gospel, we hear:  "He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him."  (St. John 6:56)  When talking about food, I don't think very many of us would think of Jesus.  And yet Our Saviour describes Himself in this manner:  "For My flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed." (St. John 6:55)  You see, when we think of food, we base it on how well it tastes and how much we enjoy the food item in that regard.  But, honestly, the real reason for eating is not based solely on enjoyment value.  No, the real reason for eating is so that what we eat can nourish us, sustain us, fortify us, strengthen us.  And in this regard, all of these attributes I just described can be said of Our Blessed Lord as well:  He nourishes us . . . He sustains us . . .  He fortifies us . . . . He strengthens us.  And each and every time we go to church and every single time we receive His Precious Body and Blood at Communion time, Our Blessed Saviour is strengthening us for the journey ahead.  He is nourishing us so that we can move forward.  He is sustaining us because He is the only one that can truly sustain us.  

PLEASE NOTE:  St. Margaret Church will NOT meet on Sunday, June 14th, 2020.

St. Margaret Church is still being affected, as is the whole world, by the Coronavirus outbreak.  Specifically, our church is not allowed to meet as we would like due to CDC and State recommendations.  But despite these recommendations, our members still continue to pray to Our Heavenly Father.  Our members still continue to reach out to their neighbors and loved ones.  Our members still continue to be the face and hands and instruments of the Lord throughout these troubling times.  Additionally, Fr. Todd also continues to post his sermons and reflections online.  So, please continue to pray for St. Margaret Church and all the Christian Churches throughout the world that we may continue to stay close to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.    

And please remember that you can still show support to St. Margaret Church by sharing these posts on social media . . . sharing the sermons and reflections of Fr. Todd on social media as well.  In this way, despite any sort of "lock-down," you will help St. Margaret Church continue to spread the Gospel and continue to tell the world about our love for Our Blessed Saviour!

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