Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity, November 15th, 2020
"For our citizenship is in Heaven;" (Philippians 3:17 ff)
Whenever we go somewhere out of town such as on a day trip or we are travelling to another state, my wife is "amazed" . . . . my choice of word, not hers . . . . at how fast we get there. She says that I drive fast. I don't think I drive that fast. Well, I try not to drive fast because: A) I'm too scared of getting pulled over and getting a ticket; and B) I can't afford the ticket. Let's just put it this way: when I start driving I continue driving and driving and driving. I keep my mind focused on our destination and I don't let anything get between me and where I'm going. Well, of course there are things that always show you down no matter what: slow-down's due to construction . . . or a crash . . . or a stalled vehicle. Then there are also detours that might slow you down as well. And you always have to make allowances for bathroom breaks and getting something to eat while you are on the road. But to the determined driver such as myself, these are only minor inconveniences on the road towards my destination. Remember that song "Ain't No Mountain High Enough?" I like the version by Diana Ross best, I think. But the lyrics in this song demonstrate the determination in a human being to get to the destination: "Ain't no mountain high enough . . . . . Ain't no valley low enough .. . . . . Ain't no river wide enough . . . to keep me from getting to you." All of us are determined in something, aren't we? Some of us are determined to get to our destination far away. Some of us are determined to get promoted or to get another position where we work. Some of us are determined to obtain a certain item that we would like to possess; whether that item be a new pair of sneakers or a new appliance or a new house. We save and we work overtime and we cut corners so that we can earn the money to get what we want. Again, all of us can think of something where we are determined to get something and we will not let anything or anyone get in our way.
In the Third Chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians, St. Paul is reminding the young church who and what they truly are: "For our citizenship is in Heaven." In other words, your feet may be here on earth but you need to remember that your heart should be in Heaven. Let me say that again just so it will sink in: we need to remember that our heart should be in Heaven and NOT here on earth. For so many people, their heart is anywhere BUT Heaven. Their heart is in their possessions . . . their treasures . . . their riches. Their heart is in their career or getting promotions or getting wealthier. Their heart is in getting high or drunk. "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (St. Matthew 6:21) St. Paul is reminding all of us that our true citizenship is in Heaven and we should keep our mind focused accordingly. Too many of us forget that fact because our minds get too occupied on the latest distraction that the world throws our way. Do you ever notice that us human beings are never content? We never seem to be happy . . . at least for very long. We get focused on one thing and we work and work and work until we get whatever we were working on. And we are satisfied for about .. . . . . oh, a minute or two . . . . and then our mind gets diverted to something else that grabs our attention for the time being. St. Paul is saying to each one of us: "Hey! You are a citizen of Heaven! You are a child of the Most High! You already have a mansion waiting for you up above! Why are you messing around with this nonsense down here?" Let our prayer be today that we keep focused on who we are and what we are. Let us not get our attention diverted from the fact that our true citizenship is in Heaven and keep our minds focused on that fact.
PLEASE NOTE: St. Margaret Church will NOT meet on Sunday, November 15th, 2020.
St. Margaret Church is still being affected, as is the whole world, by the Coronavirus outbreak. Specifically, our church is not allowed to meet as we would like due to CDC and State recommendations. But despite these recommendations, our members still continue to pray to Our Heavenly Father. Our members still continue to reach out to their neighbors and loved ones. Our members still continue to be the face and hands and instruments of the Lord throughout these troubling times. Additionally, Fr. Todd also continues to post his sermons and reflections online. So, please continue to pray for St. Margaret Church and all the Christian Churches throughout the world that we may continue to stay close to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
And please remember that you can still show support to St. Margaret Church by sharing these posts on social media . . . sharing the sermons and reflections of Fr. Todd on social media as well. In this way, despite any sort of "lock-down," you will help St. Margaret Church continue to spread the Gospel and continue to tell the world about our love for Our Blessed Saviour!
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