Saturday, March 27, 2021

Palm Sunday, March 28th, 2021

                                    Palm Sunday, March 28th, 2021

We find ourselves entering into the holiest week of the year . . .  Holy Week . . .  which begins with Palm Sunday.  During Holy Week we witness a vast array of emotions ranging from sorrow and sadness.  We witness rage and anger.  We see both love and hatred coming from the crowds surrounding Our Blessed Saviour.  And additionally before the week is over we are witness to amazement, disbelief and wonder at the rising from the dead of Our Blessed Saviour.  But one emotion we are also witness to is "regret."  In the Twenty-Seventh Chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel, we read about Judas regretting what he did.  " Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself,  . . . "  St. Matthew tells us that when Judas saw what had transpired he regretted his part in it.  He tried to take back the thirty pieces of silver but the "chief priests and elders" would not take back the payment.  They would not take back the "blood money."   So often we regret our actions after things have gone wrong.  Often we feel bad and apologize after we have been discovered.  Is this what happened to Judas?  What happened to him?  Did he not realize what he was doing?  Did he not realize that he was betraying Our Blessed Saviour?  How about us?  Do  we ever betray Our Lord?  Do we betray Him when we choose worldly possessions over Him?  Do we betray Our Lord when we treat those around us with hatred and scorn?  How often do we betray the Lord?    It is easy to look at the example of Judas and  shake our head because we see how wrong that action was.  But we need to focus on the wrongs that we have done wrong and repent from doing them.   Holy Week is the perfect time to turn things around.  Holy Week teaches us that anything is possible with the help of God.   Holy Week teaches us that even when the odds are against us, as long as God is with us, things will turn out just fine.  Holy Week teaches us that, yes, we will have crosses in our life and, yes, we will sometimes have to carry our own cross but as long as we stay close to the Cross of Christ, we will have victory close at hand.  

PLEASE NOTE:  St. Margaret Church will NOT meet on Sunday, March 28th, 2021.

St. Margaret Church is still being affected, as is the whole world, by the Coronavirus outbreak.  Specifically, our church is not allowed to meet as we would like due to CDC and State recommendations.  But despite these recommendations, our members still continue to pray to Our Heavenly Father.  Our members still continue to reach out to their neighbors and loved ones.  Our members still continue to be the face and hands and instruments of the Lord throughout these troubling times.  Additionally, Fr. Todd also continues to post his sermons and reflections online.  So, please continue to pray for St. Margaret Church and all the Christian Churches throughout the world that we may continue to stay close to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.   

And please remember that you can still show support to St. Margaret Church by sharing these posts on social media . . . sharing the sermons and reflections of Fr. Todd on social media as well.  In this way, despite any sort of "lock-down," you will help St. Margaret Church continue to spread the Gospel and continue to tell the world about our love for Our Blessed Saviour! 

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