Second Sunday in Lent, February 25th, 2024
In the Fifteenth Chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel, we hear the story of Our Blessed Saviour meeting the woman of Canaan who besought Our Lord seeking favour for her daughter. Now keep in mind that this woman was not Jewish, and yet she made a point say to Our Lord: "Thou Son of David: my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil." (St Matthew 15:22) Right from the beginning, it is evident that this woman must have recognized the greatness of Our Lord or else she would not have referred to Him as "Thou Son of David." It seems that Our Lord initially ignores her because He says not a word at her request. After that she then proceeds to bother the disciples for her request because St. Matthew informs us that the disciples "besought Him, saying, Send her away: for she crieth after us." (v.23) After this, Our Lord still ignores her request by basically saying, in essence, that He was sent for the children of Israel. And despite all of this, this woman still persisted until finally Our Lord recognized her persistence and her faith when He said: " O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt." (v.28)
Now the point that we can all learn from this is that we should be determined and to have faith. The woman of Canaan had both. She recognized Our Lord to be the source of help and healing for her daughter. But she was also determined. In faith, we need to be determined. But we need to be determined for the right reason. In other words, sometimes we only get "religious" when we need God for something: We want to get hired for a new job. We need a favour of some sort. We need guidance to get our of a jam. Now there is nothing wrong with going to Our Heavenly Father when we need His assistance. What is wrong, though, is when we ONLY go to Him when we need something and forget about Him the rest of the time. A lot of people only go to God when they get into a jam or when they need something. They suddenly get real "religious" when they are in need but the rest of the time they act as if there is no God. Our Lord came to offer us Salvation. He came to die on the Cross for us. But He also spent some thirty-three years on this earth being a human being like you and I. He knows what it is like to walk in your shoes. He knows what it is like to laugh and to cry. He knows what it is like to work and to rest. He knows what it is like to walk in your shoes as a human being. As such, we can go to Him on a daily basis and we should go to Him on a daily basis. Do not just go to God when you are in need of something. Go to God every day with your concerns, your joys, your sorrows, your everything.
Please make a point to join us for Mass on Sunday. St. Margaret Church gathers together each and every Sunday. We worship at the beautiful Chapel at Marquette Manor, located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis. Join us as we listen to the Word of God found in the King James Version of the Bible. We use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. And receive the Most Precious Body and Blood of Our Saviour at Communion time. We are all busy. We all lead busy lives. Take an hour out of your busy week and dedicate it to God. Give that hour to God and spend it with Him
Now the point that we can all learn from this is that we should be determined and to have faith. The woman of Canaan had both. She recognized Our Lord to be the source of help and healing for her daughter. But she was also determined. In faith, we need to be determined. But we need to be determined for the right reason. In other words, sometimes we only get "religious" when we need God for something: We want to get hired for a new job. We need a favour of some sort. We need guidance to get our of a jam. Now there is nothing wrong with going to Our Heavenly Father when we need His assistance. What is wrong, though, is when we ONLY go to Him when we need something and forget about Him the rest of the time. A lot of people only go to God when they get into a jam or when they need something. They suddenly get real "religious" when they are in need but the rest of the time they act as if there is no God. Our Lord came to offer us Salvation. He came to die on the Cross for us. But He also spent some thirty-three years on this earth being a human being like you and I. He knows what it is like to walk in your shoes. He knows what it is like to laugh and to cry. He knows what it is like to work and to rest. He knows what it is like to walk in your shoes as a human being. As such, we can go to Him on a daily basis and we should go to Him on a daily basis. Do not just go to God when you are in need of something. Go to God every day with your concerns, your joys, your sorrows, your everything.
Please make a point to join us for Mass on Sunday. St. Margaret Church gathers together each and every Sunday. We worship at the beautiful Chapel at Marquette Manor, located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis. Join us as we listen to the Word of God found in the King James Version of the Bible. We use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. And receive the Most Precious Body and Blood of Our Saviour at Communion time. We are all busy. We all lead busy lives. Take an hour out of your busy week and dedicate it to God. Give that hour to God and spend it with Him