Second Sunday after Epiphany, January 19th, 2025
Very often when I read a Scripture passage, I try to reflect on what I have read by visualizing in my mind what I have just read. For example, I visualize the crowds around Our Lord who are there listening to Him teach. I try to visualize Our Lord's interaction with His Apostles. I visualize myself being present and imagine Our Lord speaking the words directly to me. In the very First Chapter of St. Mark's Gospel, we hear the following: "Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord" (St. Mark 1:2-3) We know that Our Lord was speaking of St. John the Baptist but what if I imagine that it was me who was called to prepare the way of the Lord? How about you? What if it was you whom the Lord called? How would you prepare the way of the Lord? What exactly would you do to prepare the way of the Lord? Would you tell people about Christ and all the things He said and did? Would you announce His coming and tell people to get ready? What exactly would "preparing the way of the Lord" look like today, for example? Would you print up signs and place them throughout the city? Would you start putting the word out through social media? How exactly would YOU prepare the way of the Lord? All of us are called to do our part and every single one of us can announce His coming in any number of ways. Each of us can indeed be the messenger of God, if we so choose. Each one of us announces His coming, if we decide to take part. It doesn't just have to be St. John the Baptist who is the messenger announcing the coming of the Lord. In our own way, every single one of us does our part to announce His coming. Every single one of us does what we can to prepare His coming. Each one of us is called to so our part. But the important part is for us to respond, to say yes to the Lord. God calls all of us but shamefully, so few responds to this calling. Some are too busy to hear the calling. Some could care less about being called. There are some who do not feel worthy, so they do not even try. The list goes on and on. Each of us is called but we must do our part by responding faithfully. What have you done to prepare the way of the Lord today?
Join us at 10:30 AM on Sundays at St. Margaret church. We worship at the beautiful chapel at Marquette Manor, located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis.
Please consider joining us for Mass. Come hear the Word of God found in the King James Version of the Bible and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Consider setting aside an hour of your week where you can dedicate that time solely to God. Come hear the Word of God. Listen to God speaking to you directly and hear what He has to say for YOU! Receive the Precious Body and Blood at Communion time to be strengthened and nourished for your journey!
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