Saint John Baptist's Day, June 24th, 2018
Of St. John the Baptist, Our Lord stated: "He was a burning and a shining light." (St. John 5:35) Certainly, those of us who try to be a good Christian, a faithful Christian our light should burn brightly for the whole world to see. As I have said in the past, it is easy to see how "dark" the world has become. Hatred, poverty, wars or threats of wars, disease, famine, etc. We could go on and on. Just watch the nightly news broadcast to see exactly what I am speaking of: murders; factory closings; accidents; etc. It's easy enough to get frightened and disheartened when you are constantly seeing "bad" news coming at you from every side. And yet there is a light that shineth for the world. Our Blessed Saviour is indeed that light! ". . . a light that shineth in a dark place; until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts." (2 St. Peter 1:19) St. John the Baptist gives us the example of how to live the Christian life. We are called to shine forth not our own light but shine forth the light of Christ in our life. "For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Corinthians 4:6) We are called to be different from the world. So much of the world tries so hard to be just like everyone else. They have to watch the popular TV shows; the popular movies. They have to wear the latest fashion trends. They have to go to the trendiest restaurants. We have to read certain books because they are endorsed by Oprah. We have to live in the most fashionable section of town. The list goes on and on. And yet we are called to shine forth the light of Christ to the world. Again, notice that the light that we are shining is not our own but it is the light of Christ. "I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." (St. John 8:12)
St. Margaret Church meets each and every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. We worship at the beautiful Chapel at Marquette Manor, located at 8140 N. Township Line Road on the Northwest side of Indianapolis. We use the King James Bible and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Come join us as we listen to God speak to us through His Word. At Communion time, we receive the Precious Body and Blood of Christ to nourish us and give us strength for our journey called life.
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