Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Importance of Honoring God's Name

I had the occasion recently to be in the company of two truck owners.  One man owned a Chevy truck and the other man owned a Ford truck.  It was interesting to hear them go back and forth . . . in a friendly way, of course . . . . about which make was better:  Chevy or Ford.  Interesting also was the fact that both men "inherited" their preference, if you will, from their fathers who also owned a Chevy and Ford, respectively.  The bottom line is that both men were loyal to the brand that they had.  We all have our brand loyalty to a specific item.  Whether it be toilet paper or beer or bread or any number of other items.  The reason for this is because these items have stood the test.  They have proven themselves, so to speak.  

Can't we say the same thing about people?  What would you think if I promised you that I would take you out to a fancy restaurant and I never picked you up?  And then I promised you once again that I would take you to that same fancy restaurant but . . . once again . . .  I never picked you up.  And then I promised you that I would take you to the same restaurant.  By this time, would you believe me?  Of course not.  You would not believe me to take you to that restaurant because my word could not be trusted.  We have people that back up their words and then there are other people that are not so trustworthy.  So the bottom line is that there are people and products that we trust because they stand behind their name.  They can be trusted.  
"Give unto the Lord glory due unto His Name." (I Chronicles 16:29)

Would you say that God is trustworthy?  I would certainly hope so.  God is Our Heavenly Father.  He is our creator and the creator of the universe.  He is the Alpha and the Omega.  The Three Persons of the Trinity:  the Father; the Son; and the Holy Ghost.  Certainly, if there is anyone that we should trust, I would imagine that God would be first on our list.  As such we would never say anything bad about God.  On the contrary, we would only speak about God in a loving, respectful way.  We would never knowingly say anything bad about God.  Nor would we knowingly speak in a disrespectful way, would we?   But what about unknowingly?  Let me point out what I am referring to.  

I was recently trying to finish up work that I was doing in my back yard one afternoon.  The peacefulness of the afternoon was soon disrupted because the neighbors that live behind us were having a party of sorts with a pool and one of those big, inflatable bounce house's that the kids jump in.  I think there must have been perhaps ten to twelve children at this gathering.  These children were aged eight to ten years old, I guess, although I am not good at guessing ages.  Anyway, these children were very loud as you might expect.  Now, I really didn't have a problem with the yelling and screaming of the children.  That's just what kids do when they are outside at a party with other children.  Here's what caught my attention, though.  One of these children  . . . . at the top of her lungs . . . .  would yell "Oh My God!"   Now, this was happening every minute to two minutes.  Thus, it was very hard to miss each time she would yell it.  I have discovered that Children are very similar to parrots.  They both mimic what they have heard.  Thus, be careful what you speak in front of both parrots and children.  Thus, it was pretty obvious to figure out that this little girl heard "Oh My God" said quite a bit at home.  As a result, I do not fault the little girl in the least.  Note to those of you who are parents or grandparents:  Please teach your children to honor and respect God's Name.  If you do not teach them the importance, who will?  Just like the little girl that I made reference to above.  We should teach our children that the Name of God should not be taken lightly.  We should teach our children to honor the Name of God.  We should emphasize to our children not to blaspheme God's Name.

We hear this phrase . . .  and, sadly, much worse . . . . spoken in conversations;  . . . we hear it on TV and in the movies;  . . .  we hear Our Lord's Name spoken more as a curse word than we do as a source of praise for the wonderful things He does for us.   St John writes in his first epistle:  "That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ" (1 St. John 3:23)   The Name of God  . . .  The Name of His Son . . . . The Names and titles of the Holy Ghost . . . . All of these names are sacred; they are holy; we should speak these names with honor and respect.  And yet people utter the Name of God with utter disregard and do not even realize it.  Call on God in prayer.  Call Him when you need Him.  Utter His Name to describe the wonderful things He has done for you.  "O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon His Name!" (Psalm 105:1)  The Name of God is holy.  The Name of God is sacred.  The Name of God should mean something and stand for something.    " . . .  and we will walk in the Name of the Lord Our God for ever and ever." (Micah 4:5) When we do speak the Lord's Name, let us speak His Name in the proper context.   Let us praise the Name of the Lord.  Let us speak His Name with pride and love.  Let us thank Him by Name for all of the wonderful things He has done for us.   

"Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord Thy God in vain." (Exodus 20:7)

Remember that we are commanded not to take the Name of Our Lord in vain.  Again, this is from the Ten Commandments and not the "Ten Suggestions."  The way that honor Our Lord's Name reflects the regard we hold for Him in our heart.  If we don't hold His Name in regard, how highly do we regard Our Lord to begin with?  If we use blasphemy against God's Name, how seriously do we regard our relationship with God to begin with?  Even in the Lord's Prayer we are reminded:  "Our Father Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name . . ..  "  We should do our utmost to keep God's Name respected.  

"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name.  That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow . . . and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."  (Philippians 2:9-11)

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