Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Feast of Christ the King, October 25th, 2020


The Reign of Christ (Christ the King)

October 25th, 2020

The Book of Common Prayer sets aside the last Sunday in October to celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.  This is a good time to celebrate this Feast day, it would seem to me, because it falls right before our election time here in the United States.  As such, during this time we are bombarded with all kinds of commercials, . .  . . advertisements,  . . . . announcements,  . . . . news stories,  . . . . all related to the upcoming election and which candidate we are going to support with our vote.  Every candidate spends his / her time begging for your support.  In the weeks leading up to an election, as I say, we are bombarded with non-stop political advertisements.  They all are intended to convince you to give your precious vote to their candidate.  They want you to endorse them through your vote.    I would imagine that most politicians start out as being genuine in regards to their intentions.  They truly want to help people.  But as time goes on and candidates are involved in politics over a long period of time, it seems that most of them become self-serving and/or more interested in serving their political party, the special interest lobbyists, or their donor's.  These types of politicians get in the mindset that they rule over the people.  They forget that they are actually the servants of the people.  They get used to all the applause and the accolades and the fancy titles.  They get used to making important speeches and voting for laws that affect everyone else.  In so doing, they run the risk of forgetting whom they serve.  They serve the people.  Not the other way around.  

Our Blessed Lord never forgot Who He was.  He never forgot the reason for His coming to earth.  He spent His time on earth healing those in need of God's healing touch.  He spent His time teaching and preaching about the love of God.  He did not spend His time on earth in royal palaces in the presence of servants and attendants.  No, Our Blessed Saviour spent His time on earth being the servant of all.  He spent His time in the presence of common folk, and laborers, and even in the presence of sinners.  He used every opportunity He had to tell the world of His Heavenly Father.  His was not an earthly crown which He desired.  It was not an earthly throne which He sought after.  After all, Our Lord said to Pilate:  "My kingdom is not of this world." (St. John 18:35)  Additionally Our Lord would state leading up to this encounter:  "My time is not yet come." (St. John 7:8)  The "altar" Our Lord sought was the altar of the Cross.  It was there where He wished to be placed in order that He would save us from our sins.  Our Lord came to serve.  Even hanging from the Cross, lifeless and dying, He continued to serve.  He came to save fallen man.  This was His mission.  And we are called to follow His example.  We are called to learn from Him.  We are called to imitate Him through serving our brothers and sisters and telling the world about Our Heavenly Father.  

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